The sun came out, flowers have bloomed and the grass has turned from brown to a rich green, spring is finally here and summer is nipping at its heels. We have been cooped up for so long, due to winter, that when we finally stepped out into the sunshine all we want to do is run and play in its warmth. It’s common to run through the sprinklers, go for bike rides and play tag, but what are some other things that we can do this summer to make it a little more special? There are several fun ideas out there available on Pinterest and here are some of our favorite summertime fun activities!
Although running through the sprinklers is a time honored
tradition but what about rolling around on your own outdoor waterbed? This waterbed will offer fun for all throughout
the day; the water inside the bed will slowly start to leak, making it a
delightful cool activity on a hot summer day and the best part, it won’t cost
an arm and a leg. All that is needed is
duct tape and a large plastic drop cloth, both of which you can purchase for
under $10. To learn more about this fun
activity and get the full directions go to Utah County Mom

If you are looking for something to do on those lazy warm summer nights, remove the labels on empty water or soda pop bottles, fill them up with water and add a little food coloring to each bottle for a variety of color. The last step, break some glow sticks and place inside of each bottle for glow in the dark bowling that everyone can take part in. If you are looking for something to do on those lazy warm summer nights, remove the labels on empty water or soda pop bottles, fill them up with water and add a little food coloring to each bottle for a variety of color. The last step, break some glow sticks and place inside of each bottle for glow in the dark bowling that everyone can take part in.

If you are looking for something to do on those lazy warm summer nights, remove the labels on empty water or soda pop bottles, fill them up with water and add a little food coloring to each bottle for a variety of color. The last step, break some glow sticks and place inside of each bottle for glow in the dark bowling that everyone can take part in. If you are looking for something to do on those lazy warm summer nights, remove the labels on empty water or soda pop bottles, fill them up with water and add a little food coloring to each bottle for a variety of color. The last step, break some glow sticks and place inside of each bottle for glow in the dark bowling that everyone can take part in.

When you are sitting on the back porch gazing up at the stars after the day has settled down. You can still enjoy your beautiful summer plants and flowers by painting with this easy nighttime lighting trick, just paint the outside of your flower pots in glow-in-the-dark paint. This is a simple and quick way to add a little extra to your summer nights.
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